Artificial intelligence was catapulted to the forefront of media and corporate discussions after the launch of ChatGPT, an OpenAI product that showcased the power of LLMs to laypeople. Ever since there has been pressure on management teams to incorporate and effectively use artificial intelligence in their organizations. It has become more complicated to determine which companies are legitimate players in the space and which are not.
In order to track the discussion of AI-related topics in earnings calls, coincidentally Hudson Labs uses AI to tag and extract relevant discussion over time. The frequency of discussion of artificial intelligence helps you identify which companies are more dedicated (or enthusiastic) about the technology in their business today as well as which companies were frequently discussing the technology before it became a buzzword. Companies that were discussing artificial intelligence in their business prior to November 2022 are more likely to be legitimate players in the space.
Coverage universe: All Nasdaq and NYSE listed companies which hold earnings calls and have filed at least one quarterly reports with the SEC
Coverage initiation date: Jan 1, 2019
Screen for companies with high, low or changing AI mentions
Find the "Discussion of AI" screen on the "Ideas" page of the Hudson Labs platform.
Screen inclusion criteria: Artificial intelligence was mentioned at least once in an earnings call in either 2022, 2023 or 2024

Company page - Artificial intelligence view
Find details on the discussion of AI across time under the "Hot topics" section of the relevant company page of the Hudson Labs platform. The "Hot topics" page only includes discussions that appear in the Q&A section of the earnings call.

Notifications and summaries of artificial intelligence discussion via feed and email:
The feed view shows one instance per call, provided there was AI discussion in the Q&A section of the earnings call. See the company page for a complete view of AI-related discussion over time.

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