No investor should rest easy unless they've read the relevant SEC filings in depth. However, the process of reading and understanding corporate disclosure is time consuming and painful. The following tools facilitate search and navigation of SEC filings, earnings transcripts, corporate disclosure and textual financial information so that you can work more efficiently and move quickly.

Top SEC filing and corporate disclosure software
Hudson Labs - Hudson Labs uses artificial intelligence to identify red flags and predict price collapse. Bedrock provides real-time forensic risk assessment and SEC filing navigation through a web platform.
AlphaSense - AlphaSense is a market intelligence platform focused on “smart search”. AlphaSense facilitates search of filings, transcripts, news and equity research.
Sentieo (AlphaSense) - Sentieo provides smart search for filings and other market information as well as table extraction and transcript analysis.
DisclosureNet (Certent) - DisclosureNet facilitates filings search for U.S. and Canadian filings. DisclosureNet is a lifesaver for anyone attempting to use SEDAR. Best option for Canadian investors!
inFilings (Verity) - inFilings specialises in SEC filings, investment ideas generation, and data mining services.
Footnoted - Footnoted is famous for highlighting noteworthy filings that get published after markets close on Fridays, the "Friday Night Dump". Bedrock AI is Footnoted's data partner.
280First - 280First analyzes unstructured financial data.
New Constructs - New Constructs uses a combined machine learned and human approach to identify items in footnotes etc. that are relevant to assessing earnings quality. New Constructs provides research, ratings and fundamentals datasets.
BamSEC - BamSEC is a search engine and data extraction tool that focuses on SEC filings and earnings transcripts. Watch out for the 7 day trial. If you forget to cancel before the 7 days is up, they will not give refunds on the ~$1K annual fee.
Draftable - Draftable provides blacklines/redlines for both PDFs and word documents and gets good reviews.
Free and low cost SEC filing search and navigation tools
SEC EDGAR Full Text Search - EDGAR offers free full text search of the full EDGAR database. For more in depth information about using Edgar see our blog "How to become an Edgar power user" here.
SEC Report - SEC Report is in many ways a copy of EDGAR. One cool thing about SEC Report, however, is that they report U.S. senator trading here.
Dudil - Dudil writes company-specific articles about red flags found in securities filings.